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    Just Captain Spidey-Merica hangin’ to the left.

    Hmmmmm, an older Wynn Everett.

    Hopefully it’s like Arrow and they initially make him an extreme caricature of the opposite of where they intend him to go. Because obvious character arcs are obvious and we can’t have anything too subtle. I’ll keep an open mind, too.

    It does make it easier though as probably most males in this thread with a non-gaming SO can attest.

    Get another? In my house we have 2 Xboxes, 2 Wiis, 2 Playstations, and 2 computers. We met while gaming and continue to game, but the key for us is we don’t always have to game *together* and it works out great for us.

    Holy shit, in the first image: Gordon Ramsay, Time Traveler?

    Oh, and...

    Forgot one....

    “animal experimentation is the only reason you have half of the treatments available for just about anything.”

    I was warned by a biochemist friend back in the early 90's never to use these products, his job was to find counter-agents for biochemical warfare. I figured that was a good enough warning for me.

    I admit I never saw the first movie. Or the second.

    I know the feeling, I’ve read the books and watched the show too and there’s a lot of little details I forgot! But I always wondered what she really saw, I wonder if it’s Arya who kills Melisandre. Just something in the way she looked at Arya and then said “we’ll meet again.”

    Forget Sansa, Jon, Littlefinger and the rest of the gang. Why didn’t Melisandre just pluck out another shadow demon and be done with it?

    I don’t disagree! But that still doesn’t explain why Sansa chose to withhold information.

    This. And 6) Sansa (and the rest of Team Stark) owes him. Big time. And oh look, she’s available again.

    Melisandre told Arya they would meet again, so unless the writers forgot about that...

    Well, for one: cats are cleaner than frat boys...

    Why not? Why should Facebook stay neutral when plenty of other businesses and media outlets don’t? This is a silly question, I have no particular love for FB and certainly none for Zuck but I think it would be a pretty big double standard for people to think they should stay out of politics.

    An anthology show would’ve been freaking amazing.