As for why. You have an F-150 with no engine or trans, a drivetrain from an aircooled VW sitting around, a weekend and plenty of beer. Meth
As for why. You have an F-150 with no engine or trans, a drivetrain from an aircooled VW sitting around, a weekend and plenty of beer. Meth
$1300 for the recon fee doesn’t annoy me as much as the $900 doc fee. Dot-matrix printer ink ain’t *that* expensive.
The new Prius design is, somehow, almost infinitely worse than the last one. And that’s saying a lot.
I mean, those are truly unfuckingbelievable.
Bangle, just go away. You fucked up design for the last decade and it only seems to be getting worse:
And a fucking helmet.
Not sure what they expected when they used an Explorer on Firestones. it was bound to roll, just a matter of time.
That guy might want to look into switching to a dry sump.
Seeing someone’s arm out of the window during a rollover freaks me the heck out. If you’re gonna hoon like this, window nets are cheap. Much cheaper than reattaching a severed arm.
It must not have Firestone tires.
No Firestones. That’s the reason that rollover wasn’t worse.
I mean, the axles and tires probably comprise 70% of the vehicle’s weight, so...
The year was 1996, we (Three co-workers) had been invited to attend a wedding in Las Vegas. The drive takes about 4 hours from our Southern California location and since I didn’t want a wide assortment of body fluids in my own car in the summer heat of August by four of my male colleagues so I rented a car, a brand…
HA! Finally one where I have a fantastic story.
I rented a Pontiac Sunfire for a trip to Kill Devil Hills, NC - a place where driving on the beach is completely allowed. After the usual assortment of handbrake-assisted U-turns and curb clips, we headed out around midnight to drift the sandy shores. We made it, maybe, 100 feet before becoming impossibly stuck. By…
Looks like the result of drunken sex between an LFA and a Cerbera Speed 12. The interior has a bit of a Russian oligarch kit-car vibe to it.
This was also my first reaction. This feels like the next big ugly trend that will sell well and inspire copycats...and assault my eyes for decades to come.
“That grill looks like giant butt cheeks.”
Agreed. The corporate grill thing needs to end. The grill on this leaf isn’t nice enough for multiple cars. Don’t know what benefit these companies think they’re getting out of a standardized grill, but it sucks.