I love games, tabletop and computer.
For the other white people in the grays:
Because of nazi’ism.
Disillusionment in the Dems should move us to the left, not the right. That’s what really upsets me about black people acting like right wing tokens for these conservative media outlets/think tanks saying “Dems don’t care about you!” is that thought provoking. There are plenty of fair critiques to be made about Dems…
Anyone who saw the execrable “Sex and the City 2" has to know Cattrall is doing the right thing (not just for herself but for her castmates as well).
Did Trent Reznor have a garage sale? Since it sounds like she purchased his Year Zero synths.
Triumph of the At-Will
I’ve lived with pretty severe bipolar disorder I since I was 14 (diagnosed only at age 28, but the symptoms set in far, far earlier than that). I know the pain of being so depressed you can’t get out of bed for days at a time, so much that even the thought of showering is too exhausting to accomplish. I know how it…
“I am a gay man right now just without the physical act – that’s all.”
How long before they realize they can use the term “Xclusive” and not have to have an actual “exclusive” game?
The only way you’d be able to associate the name Trump with “endowed”.
I’ve played video games for a long time but I’m not a fan of people who self-identify as “gamers.” Hell, it even bugs me when people call gaming a “hobby.” It’s the consumption of entertainment media. What the fuck kind of boring are you that you base your identity around that?
There is nothing to enjoy about lala’s because they are disgusting, walking potatoes.
Its not possible to reason with unreasonable people.
“So was the South, but I fixed that”
Listen, fellow White people who are “kind of understanding where they are coming from”, let me help you out here.
Where they are coming from is: “We care more about our mission to protect the feelings of a dead white man than to passively allow racial progress and not be the perpetrators of racist outcomes”.
In the…
Hahaha! Look how funny and normal he is! You could almost forget him secretly funding Trump support and far right efforts online! Because, he likes video games!