
Dolores did 30 years ago but was mostly erased.

You sure about that? I don't think either Teddy or the woman guest are in any of the same shots as William.

You're right.

Neither Teddy nor Maeve appear in any William/Logan scenes. I don't think Clementine does, either.

This is the first episode thats entirely in the "present" timeline, right?

Or maybe sent by Teresa, but that was my first thought.

Its the only episode that is entirely in the "present" timeline.

I think its partly to hint that the William timeline is different, since the dilapidated floors look like the entrance in his timeline.

I went back and rewatched the earlier episodes. The "Bernard" talking to Dolores scenes are in a room similar to that in some of the "building the park" photos. And when "Bernard" is talking to his wife about their son, she never says his name.

I still like this episode and the show, but its the first episode where it was a bit too obvious that people were being dumber than they should be.

Two timelines is pretty much canon at this point.

More than any episode to date, this one could have been titled "Supposedly Smart People Doing Dumb Things."

Prediction — Fred killed Emmett and Leanne. He thought they were following him and he didn't recognize Emmett (who was out of disguise) as his friend "Paul".
We know Fred was in the vicinity at the time and was worried he was being tailed. The only other character with an apparent connection is Larrick, who is too