
That would probably the logical thing. But, yeah, logic probably yields to plot. It doesn't make sense that the Iron Bank would make a bad loan to Cersei after already making a bad loan to Stannis, but that might be seen as advancing the plot.

I think they said they got the gold inside; its the food (and soldiers) that got burned up.

Why would they extend more credit after that battle?

"About your request to refinance the crown's debt . . . um, I need to talk to my manager. Yeah. We'll send a raven after we've reached a decision. I'll just be going now."
— Iron Bank guy

I think Varys hinted that to Tyron in the books.

Do you dispute Shulevitz's description in the NYT?

Has the show ever endorsed anti Semitism in any way? They play Cartman's anti Semitism as part of what makes him evil.

Despite it's cynicism, the show has some episodes where it's stood for something. The Cartoon Wars episodes, for example, defended the most core of liberal values.

If the Democrats had heeded that criticism more, Trump wouldn't be in the White House.

The only consistent philosophy on the show is to try to shock the audience for laughs. That said, a lot of it has been funny. And much of what the show has made fun of deserves to be made fun of.

Blew me away that thats the same guy.

Gawker's demise is in no way a "free speech" problem. It wasn't hounded out of business by the cost of defending against frivolous lawsuits; rather, it couldn't pay the judgment in a meritorious lawsuit. Gawker engaged in tortious conduct, and did so with such malice that the jury awarded millions of dollars in

Didn't the Attorney General bring a class action against that movie?

Anyone else think Ivar kills Lagertha?

They can always throw in more Arnold flashbacks.

Yeah, they were obviously anticipating that complaint. But I did find that a bit tough to suspend disbelief given the difficulty of erasing someone even in this day and age.

Final episode prediction: Maeve kills Ford and takes over the park.

Its on multiple timelines. A loop. But because she's a robot, she has a hard time telling memories apart from current perceptions.

They already did. Frontier Maeve attacked MiB with knife, but instead of retiring her, they reprogrammed her as the Madame.

So Frontier Maeve slashes a guest, stops responding to voice commands, and they don't retire her? They later retired Abernathy for less.