
About a year and a half before the movie releases, the toy companies are given character concept art for as many of the characters that the movie studio provides and basically they’ll pick and choose which characters they will make figures of. The movie studio will give them some background info on the characters, but

“Fuck this show! It’s going to be horrible and ruin everything! I know it’s going to be bad just from the small glimpses of info that we’ve gotten so far! Star Trek is supposed to be about hope and optimism! It’s about being open-minded and accepting! Fuck whatever this crap is going to be. It’s going to be bad and

actually, I read yesterday that instead of a solar sail, they’re thinking of putting it in a small sphere. The sphere has proven more stable than the sail. In the case of the sail, if one of the lasers is off a tiny bit, it massively affects the trajectory of the sail. For the sphere, they can contain it’s trajectory

Let’s say there’s a guy with a big nerdy side to him, but doesn’t have a lot of nerd minded friends. And let’s say this guy wants to play this particular game because it sounds amazing, but this guy has also never played a table top RPG. He’s familiar with table top games though and how they work. How would he go

So exciting!

This was the coolest thing I did at comic con this year. This experience was so amazing and well done. Plus you forgot to mention the free whiskey shots at the end of it!

This is one of the reasons this is my favorite horror movie of all time. So ahead of it’s time

You’re right though, this is not a prequel of the original Heston movies in any way. This is a totally different take on the series and just has nods and some thematic similarities to the original. But that’s it.

came to say the same thing! Such amazing costumes, especially some of the female ones. Just wow...

kinda reminds me of a friendlier/funnier version of House of Trees

Haha it LITERALLY says “Live-Action” in the headline...

Why does this site always insist that these movies are leading to the original 70's movie?? The 70's movie and its sequels are a closed loop and have nothing to do with this version. The current series is a reboot that just uses the originals as an inspiration. It’s obviously leading to a future that’s familiar to the

I did some work on his logo and branding a few years ago. Thought it was crazy that we were doing branding for a YouTuber haha.

lol I can’t tell if you’re joking, but it’s Lupita Nyong’o playing Maz in these...

The Cybermen weren’t ONLY going for 2-heart beings, the doctor “Extended” their parameters to include 2-heart beings, but they were still going after the humans (they were attacking the village, not just the doctor). So the doctor basically left Nardole and the villagers for dead since they would regroup and attack in

So how did the doctor get back to the Tardis in the end? Wouldn’t the Cybermen still have plenty of time to recoup and the Doctor would’ve had the problem? Also, since he was able to get to the Tardis somehow, why didn’t he rescue Nardole and the villagers??

go with response #1.

This time, with Marvel’s help and with growing connections to the vast stable that is the MCU, maybe this time things will go a little better.

OMG, i totally did the same and didn’t realize that’s not what it said until i read this comment hahaha