
Last year I saw him sitting at a booth by himself and thought it would be hilarious to get a quick sketch from him (most artists will do this especially if they’re not busy), but when I asked he told me no. Not even a sorry or a reason. Just a no. Maybe he was just being nice and didn’t want to waste my time

Yep! Either they didn’t know how to write a proper contract, or they were stupid not to stand their ground on that contract. There should have been clearly stated deliverables in the contract describing the game they would deliver for a specific amount of money, and if Microsoft wanted more, you just point them to the

God I wish comments could come with soundclips...took me a second to get it, but said with an accent, this would be hilarious.

Complete a strike without dying - By all means, take this one if you're going to be doing a bunch of strikes and you have room, but as with most "don't die" bounties, it's kind of annoying.

Yeah I have a similar story. Killed an orc 3 times. originally he was a pink-ish orc, but after killing him he came back pale and scarred. Then after killing him again, he came back with bandages around his entire head and the bandages were wrapped again with barb-wire. Killed him again and haven't seen him

I'd bet money that the kid with Subject B had a lot more fun actually PLAYING the damn game while Subject A just sat there wondering why he wasn't allowed to blow in the cartridge to get it to work...

100% this. I loved the conspiracy sub-plot which reminded me of a better version of the Da Vinci Code (or was is Angels and Demons...) and I loved solving the puzzles. Totally wish they kept at least some element of this in the series.

At least I think we can agree it's better than using "Voltron" ;)

You have a point, but the discussion isn't about anyone's opinion of what they should or shouldn't be called - it's that this is a term that is used to describe combining robots. The quote you posted even states that people refer to them as Gestalts.

Well the definition of gestalt is this (emphasis added):

As a couple others have mentioned, Gestalt is the usual term used.

From seeing it up close, it looked like it was just a prop with no moving parts

I spent a couple hours on this. I'm not an illustrator (especially not a paid comic book artist) and there's a lot of problems with this drawing, but I still think it's better than that picture. That artwork is BAD...

It was so bad that you'll hear some announcers comment on other bad pitches, saying "he Baba Booey'd it"

Now playing

dont forget the worst first pitch ever: Gary Dell'Abate "Baba Boey" from the Howard Stern show

I really wish they went with the exhaust pipes...

The ratio of clovers to horseshoes is appalling!

I guess now he doesn't need to read it...

all my stuff's on Xbox, but looks like you found some already

don't know if you're serious, but I have some old RockBand gear I'm looking to get rid of...