

Are those animal style fries from In and Out?

Your statistics show that we VASTLY prefer natural cheeses here in the US and that they are our "go to" cheeses. I don't know anyone that craves, wants, or who's "go to" cheese is processed. You have no idea what you're talking about.

I think you have your dimensions mixed up - the ps4 only extends .1" further back than the xbox.

This game looks amazing. Might be the first thing I ever back on Kickstarter. Love the animation style and the music in the trailer

I agree with him...something about it just looks cartoonish. the proportions or the look on her face. I can't really put my finger on it

There's one here in Long Beach (might be one of the 2 that you're referring to.

Judging from all the news that I've seen, it seems most people's biggest fear was the 24 hour DRM check, which was confirmed. The Used games thing is also definitely up there and it's basically been partially confirmed - it's up to the publisher. And who do you think pressured Microsoft to restrict used games in the

I don't know what your worst fears for the console were, but I'm pretty sure Microsoft just CONFIRMED everyone else's worst fears for the console...

Oh Nooesss!!! They forgot to give it a soul!!

I don't know anything about this game, but that commercial was probably one of the best things I've ever seen. ever.


agreed! I've even been finding myself singing along (although I still need to learn about 80% of the lyrics because they're pretty hard to keep up with)

lol. sorry you wrote such a long reply to something that you didn't understand to be sarcastic.

I'm not understanding the Pringles reference? are pringles made from the gross part of the potato?

I swear this is true - i actually ask for boots only when I order. Most of the time they have no idea what i'm talking about and i just get a good laugh out of it, but some will actually give me boots only! haha

sounds like a happening place.

It actually takes longer than that in most cases. I do toy packaging and on the bigger properties, we usually start on the packaging about a year to a year and a half before they come out. But the actual toys are in development even longer. Hell, we worked on some stuff for TRON 2 years before the movie came out and