
I would rather have his Datsun collection.

This. One Thousand times this.

And no mention of what the car was you bought?

This is going to make for awkward thanksgivings when everyone is drunk.

Love you too brah.

Yeah I am pretty sure the last time I checked France was pretty decent place to live.

You guys should have a meetup South one time.


Handout? who said I ever stood in line for a handout. I got my first job at 13 working on a chicken farm up the street from my house. Don’t talk to me like I am somebody who lives off of state welfare and is trying to stop somebody else from doing the same.

Libertarian. Republican’s are bible bashing disgusting human beings.

How about NPR?

Yep my logic is infallible because I am an american god.

No high horse. I just don’t condone somebody trying to hijack and innocent trucker. I will agree the refugee issue needs to be resolved, but at the source not by rehoming entire countries elsewhere in the world.

This was never official and was written by a poet trying to raise funds for the construction of the statue. it was not written by the founding fathers or any other major american historical figure.

Because these refugees do things like what is shown in the video?

And people wonder why Britain and the United States don’t want these refugees.

Tiny hands huh?

Yeah but im pretty sure it has to be in a fairly specific percentage. And it may not be wizardry, but thermite is still extremely dangerous

I’m confused. I bought my BLACK NEW 3DS XL less than 6 months ago. they are definitely for sale here.

Just be careful, googling the recipe for thermite can put you on some watchlists.