This dude with the facts.
They are automotive engineers. They can make it fit. Shop in Oz did it as well with a stock hood. So “wouldn’t fit” is horseshit.
that 50 lbs of torque comes from boost. and who the hell thinks boosting a 12.5 compression ratio engine is a good idea?
In enthusiats defense, said small light rwd cheap cars had SHIT for torque and a compression ratio so high that applying turbo to motor to correct said lack of torque is a sketchy proposition.
Does it come with a mockup of Shinji for the passenger seat?
Because it being submerged is what keeps it cool. Not submurged means it gets warm. My mother had a S-10 Blazer and ran that thing down to fumes all the time and went through 3 fuel pumps in 10 years.
So when the nuclear apocalypse happens, it is just going to be twinkies cockroaches and Bernie Eccelstone. Sounds like a party.
The Friendzone exists.
pretty sure that would mean it would handle better because the fixed roof would increase rigidity. so win-win
Step 1: Buy Ralliart Wagon
*dual. Duel when you mean two drives me nuts.
Will they ever actually refresh these things? The platform is old as dirt now.
I like you even more than I already did Stef.
First Tyler, now Doug.
Who continually refers to their partner as “my lover” in 2016? What is this a 1940s detective novel?
Can definitely say I am not a fan of Maggies writing. I am glad she is not a Jalopnik staffer.
10/10 would hoon.