
T/A performance still carries the Torch.

But its still nowhere near the level of the Muscle Car cult. There is no equivalent of YearOne, Edelbrock or Dynacorn for the Japanese cars.

Love me some Muscle era Skylarks. The 455 was lighter than a Chevy 350. And made 510lb ft in Stage 1 trim from the factory. I almost bought 1969 GS400 but the seller was a dick.

Classic Japanese Cars.

So does this mean your car can get cited for a DUI?

Unless its a VR-4 just junk it.

I feel sorry for the scammees. A well sorted J10 is quite awesome.

If it had cheese I may have considered it. (scrapple egg and cheese sammiches are the tits). but alas it did not. And seemed chunky.

I don’t doubt they respect the Pig. But I take scrapple seriously (grew up on the shore eating greensboro scrapple before it was sold) so anything not made in Maryland or Delaware makes me leery

They even try to pass off the cilantro/jalepeno ones as “maryland style”. I can only facepalm. The same grocery store also sells scrapple which I was excited to see until i saw it was from........ Wisconsin. Ugh.

Rudys is pretty damn good for basically being the Cracker Barrel of the BBQ world.

Built-in basting baby!

I’m originally from Maryland and live in Austin. Can confirm even Chain Gas Station Brisket (Rudys http://www.rudysbbq.com/page/home) is better than anything from Maryland. Which is sad. But they try and put cilantro and jalepeno’s in their crab cakes down here, so I suppose it evens out a bit.

Have the OG Bundle white PS4. Think it looks cleaner than this one.

Limey, I reckon the sellers gone daft in the head.

I think we all have a different meaning for “Hard” I have the emblem and shader and the daily buff as well and still takes 4-5 nights at 2-3 hours a night to get to lvl 4. Maybe i dont put in as much time at night as some of you other guys who think 4-5 hours a night is easy?

I have put in about 2-3 hours a night this week in Iron Banner and only have my Main to Lvl 4. My hats off to you sir.

This happens alot. And I hate it SO much.

You got 3 characters to lvl 5 iron banner in a week? I am sorry did you sleep.......or go to work?