I saw this a few months ago and had the same conclusion myself. The animation was quite good for the time and holds up well. But the plot is totally 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag. There was just way to much going on compressed into such a short time for anything to truly develop or make sense.
No. Just seems your brand of intensely colorblind FanBoyism would fit in perfectly there.
The money blog helped you get rid of your wife? I must say I am intrigued how this went down lol.
Are you sure you didn't get lost on your way over to vwvortex?
I sense the butthurt is strong in this one.
Why dont they just bump the engine displacement to 2.0 Liters. More displacement should help the noise and power problems.
Does it come with the Trio of Jail Bait?
They did with the Type-R but that was JDM only
Funny thing is, I’m not really a Honda guy myself either.
Agreed It’s level of fuel economy is pointless as a hybrid. Just to think they could have dumped the batteries and saved 1-300 pounds (cant find a figure on real amount, guessing here) And stuck in the 2.0 from the Si and had just as good fuel economy due to less weight and a helluva lot more enticing car.
You can disagree. That is your right.
Again, the Del Sol was a Targa top coupe, the First Two were 3 door hatches. Similar in name and size only.
I lump the first two generations together because the Del Sol is so much different. And less useful.
A Can-Am spyder?
That is a sad sad notion. The 1970 AMC AMX is my favorite muscle car ever.
I can’t find picture of anything OE from earlier then the 80s with scotia blue
“The A/C only needs to be recharged”