
The unique performance saga. Crappy Eleanor Mustangs built with prison labor and gallons of bondo and title washing/tampering.

I forgot AMC also had “Big Bad Blue” which was a little bit lighter.

Because the customer who is so thoughtful that they didn’t maintain their vehicle properly in the first place is going to go “Aw shucks, I guess they were right, I’ll pay them for the tow company right after I pay these other guys $400 for brakes”. You are forgetting, these dumbasses who let their cars get that bad in

Yeah I don’t know about how much what appears to be 1/3” of contact area on the rotor will actually do to stop the car.

Why would anybody be surprised at a CTS-V with bald tires , they are hoonmobiles lol.

what is worse is that you can tell from the leaf springs and super long studs this is from a dually/ large truck. These things are braking challenged already let alone with a heavy load....

Pretty sure Ford was waaaaaay earlier with their “Grabber Blue”

Why should a shop PAY $75-$100 to tow a car away to another shop? That makes literally no sense.


Folgers is gross.

brings back memories of boy scouts. good times.


Force India is worse then that. 278 races and only TWO podium finishes.

Does a Vaporware Racing team count? If so I nominate USF1

Whew thats not much of a rest stop. More like a oversized shoulder.


URGGGGGGGH. I love this car in Gran Turismo.

Good eye. Only SLIGHTLY less expensive than a Maybach lol.

This fender bender in Monte Carlo is certainly up there. I am pretty sure the unidentified car is a maybach,