
Oh I know, I live in Austin myself. We have gotten a metric shit ton of rain the last 2 months.

No 7-11s? Dear god how to you manage that hot weather without slurpees?!?!?!

Easy enough to fix.

Gremlins Clean up quite nicely, and it seems in decent enough shape to start with.

Saab engineering.

Carlos Ghosn should get his head out of his ass and bring back a small lightweight RWD platform.

If this is a piece of crap I’d like to see what he thinks is nice.

A 2+2 that STILL has boat anchor 5mph bumpers? Oooph.

Goodyear still makes Old School MT/Rs ? Where can I get some!!!

I would seriously need a new set of drawers had that happened to me.

Yes. The end of evangelion replaces the last two episodes with stuff that has an actual plot.

Post K car era Mopar?

IDK what was up with those hand signals. Was he trying to divine the future?

Did they ban his inconsiderate ass?

If this was a 1974 Javelin AMX with the 401 then I would say yes. But not for a matador. CP!

what is this even? And where do you sit?

The Ariel Nomad of course. From the people famous for turning Jeremy Clarkson’s face into Jello come this

You dont want to melt the plastic. You want to remove the first layer with abrasive. Melting it with a chemical could alter the composition and make it more opaque.

So your saying everybody in Cali should wash their cars?

I wouldn’t try deet bugspray. Deet is known and proven to melt plastics.