So basically the One:1 is a ground based vomit comet?
So basically the One:1 is a ground based vomit comet?
Good shape they are still 10-15k all day.
Is the Subtitle for Halo 5 really Guardians? Are they taking pot shots at Bungie?
Yeah. I never said it was smart, safe or even decent. I just know he claimed to have done it and caused one or two people to actually rear end his truck.
I knew a guy in highschool who claimed he wired an on/off switch into his brake light circuit and would turn them off before brake checking tailgaters. I never saw him demonstrate said switch so I don’t know how true it was or not.
Yeah the windshield wipers is an old one. I thought the flamethrower exaust idea was much more exciting.
Perhaps. I still think the friction brake would be less extreme and less prone to spleen lacerations, whiplash and other injuries that happen when you stop extremely suddenly.
I am by no means an engineer. I was just thinking of a less extreme alternative since as the article mentioned the negative G’s are a bit much as well as other things like loose items in the car flying around. There is a margin where stopping safely to avoid something can be dangerous because its so sudden and harsh…
You definitely wouldnt want it to be pushing down that hard. I would think you could deploy this device when the brake pedal is depressed say more then 40% and have it push down with 100-250lbs of force which should not be enough to physically lift the rear end significantly yet offer enough friction to shorten…
I wouldn’t make the plate out of steel or other crazy hard surface. Make it out of a material similar to brake pads that could be replaced. Soft enough not to jack up roads.
In Highschool I wanted to buy a set of flamethrowers for my truck. She wouldn’t allow me to saying she knew how much I hated tailgaters ( I once brake checked a cop who was so close I couldn’t see his headlights). I told her I hadn’t thought of it and it was a great idea. Still no flamethrower exhaust :(
Why not do the vacuum thing in reverse? instead of creating such extreme suction why not have the system inflate and force the large plate down creating additional friction which will undoubtedly shorten braking distances?
I once recieved the best blowjob of my life and while sitting there parked (dark parking lot overlooking the pier and river) watched a guy get down on one knee and propose.
This looks more like a targa top then a convertible to me. Alfa can cal lit what it wants, it’s still sexy.
Yeah the linked article mentions it that it was Neel Jani. Wasn’t mentioned here though.
No mention of the driver?