/End thread.
Is it just me or has there been a fair amount of turnover since Ray Wert left?
Not if its a chrysler product.
You may want to rethink the waiting game. You can still get a fairly solid easily restorable 240z/260z/280z for under 9k but its getting harder. Prices for them , especially the nicer examples are going up. Not to mention the fact they are very prone to rust so there will be even fewer in another decade to choose…
You would be surprised. My GF is HORRENDOUS with directions. IF sense of direction were a quantifiable reading, she would be in the negative.
You should hear their other stuff, this is pretty tame in comparison.
I’ll just leave this here.....
.........Do you still speak to your mother?
Please post screencap of said feedback and dipshits reply? It sounds delicious.
As a fellow s30 owner and enthusiast you have my condolences.
Don’t feel bad. Recently pissed off a lot of family by selling the house I bought from my grandparents estate for 3 years ago, and not offering to sell it back to the family for what I owed on the mortgage essentially 60k less then purchase price (I used my chunk of the inheritance to lower the purchase price). I was…
I fucking love that movie so much.
When I sold my MS3 the kid who bought it was weird and as dumb as a box of rocks. He looked to be in his early 20s but when he came out to look at the car he said nothing and let his dad do all the talking. I went over everything about the car, how it was turbocharged, the reason why the TPMS light was on, what…
Buying Vehicles sight unseen scares the shit out of me.
Thank you Dr Phil for your insight.