
That is all well and good in theory but what about in real life applications. In theory the RX-7 sequential was a good ideal to prevent lag and add torque. But in reality it was an overcomplicated mess that if something went wrong then good luck trying to fix the spaghetti mess of wiring and vacuum hoses. Same thing

I don’t think so. Unless somebody comes up with some trick sequential or compound turbo system ( how well did that work for the RX-7 and Supra?) 400+ HP from 2.0L or less will be laggy as hell. And consumers looking for a sporty car are not going to want a car where you press the accelerator and then can count to 3

Isn’t permethrin used as a natural insecticide as well?

424 horses from a 1.8L engine? Bet you dollars to doughnuts that this thing spool up until at least 5500 RPM. I’d swap in a smaller more responsive turbo dial it back to around 330-350hp and it would be a blast.

Glad she got out okay. Shes already gotten burned by a flaming car before.

I have a couple friends who are associates/ friends of care salespeople and I absolutely hate it when they put up some hokey, cheesy and desperate post about “It’s a good day to come see Jimbo at Freemont Kia” and then proceed to tag about 40 of their friends in the post. Dude don’t use me or my friends as free

By your thinking that would mean from 1974-1978 there were no mustangs produced then

It is a 1974 Mustang II......which did not come with a V8

Because of CARB, the terrorists win.

I’ve been super tempted to buy one myself because the motors can make 500whp without much fuss. But that engine bay scares the shit outta me. I just bought a 280z with a L28ET instead.

Crazy. Who would imagine that one of the ugliest and slowest mustangs would be such a hot seller. That Opec crisis really messed with people huh.

Sorry, I don’t consider an EVO “affordable”. 36k starting MSRP is not cheap.

No. The Evo VIII in 2003 when it came stateside MSRP’d for about 29k. In 2015 money that is 37k. Not affordable.

The Z32 300zx. Often quoted as the first vehicle fully designed using CAD. And end to the boxy boring (and slow) designs from the 80s.

2000 Eclipse. No more fun affordable AWD Mitsubishi Monsters

1974 Mustang. There wasn’t even a V8 option fer crissakes.

This would be cool project car.

It looks like some weird alien blob thing is Dragoning a Prius. Ugly and pointless and full of WTF.


Can you stick a turbo on this thing? If SO NP. Otherwise CP. If you can’t put a snail on in I’d rather have a regular vega I wouldn’t feel bad about sticking an LSx motor in it.