
Unfortunately lots of Datsun Z cars are being turned into mullet mobiles by yokels who stick SBC’s in them. Le Sigh.

Did you find out if DeMuro is on the blacklist for leaving?

True. But not everybody is comfortable carrying a loaded gun. These people typically would feel better carrying mace or a stun gun. Less likely to kill somebody. Unless they have a heart or respiratory problem. But then you shouldn’t be trying to rob somebody in the first place anyways.

Once again, I said concealed weapon. Not concealed gun.

Ill disregard the gun part as I’ve already talked about it in several comments.

Again, not only singularly talking about a gun. There are non-lethal alternatives that are concealable.

When in doubt.

Go big or go home.

Why does everyone one keep assuming I am only referring to a gun?

Never said you needed to actually shoot them. In my original post I also listed stun guns, mace and collapsible batons which are all non lethal weapons unless you go overboard. If they become aggressive and potentially try to attack them , pointing a gun at somebodies face will more then likely stop them in their

Easy. M3-Amino

No self defense Concealed Weapons? I am disappointed.

I am terrified of it disintegrating upon removal of the non springform pan. However I had had lots of luck putting a large deep metal pan beneath the cheese cake with 2 to 3 inches of water in it. Before trying this my cheesecakes always had cracks. Since I’ve started doing this no cracks yet *knock on wood*

I love love love love Wagoneers.

I take it you have never been to edgewood?

And now your just leaving steaming piles of nonsensical random words jammed together.

Blah blah blah. Yawn.

Really? odd.

Concealed Carry Weapons. Hard for them to kill you if they are dead or wounded first. Its not a perfect solution but its a good place to start.