
Seriously as much money as that department has and they went with Nitto All Terrains?

Your examples fall quite short as those nicknames actually relate to those people.

Considering how much he goes on about his charity stuff and the RED stuff I would consider that to be at least somewhat correct. Not that it will matter since you are an unapologetic U2 fanboy who probably has a pair of ugly ass sunglasses just like Bono.

It doesn’t matter where the name came from. He is still an absolutely overrated guitarist with a terrible stage name that paint’s a false picture of his abilities.

I had no Idea these pikes peak RS200s existed.

I hate U2 Bono is a self righteous turd. And the edge? What the hell has he done with a guitar to be able to call himself “The Edge”

What are you talking about? Traction Control, eLSD, ABS, etc have been referred to as electronic nannies for years.

Noble M600

2nd Gear:

How fast is it from zero to boner?

Oh yes.

Reminds me of a mid 60s impala

It looks bland aside from the paintjob. If we are talking Boxy AMC’s I am going with the Rebel Machine Myself.

I thought that the scoop only came with the Ram Air/ Go-Pack.

I once hit a speedbump in my lifted jeep wrangler that had stiff springs at about 35 MPH. It hurt. Bad.

I was pretty sure the Go pack meant you got the Ram-Air hood which is why I mentioned it. I was not referring to the two tone paint (which is still quite handsome nonetheless.)

Looks 1000 times better.

I personally believe the 1970 AMX with the Go Package is one of the two Best looking muscle cars EVER produced.

VW Vortex is one of the worst corners of the innernets.