
Heh. She’s never [ever ever] going to learn how to sing.

Now playing

You must not know ‘bout Bey. That’s nothing. She had her hair sucked into a huge fan while she was singing “Halo” but she just kept on singing the song perfectly while her people tried to figure out how to unattach her from the machinery.

My favorite Tweet of the year has a similar flavour:

This reaction is exactly why they released a still frame instead of the entire video.

That isn’t a photo. It’s a still from a video, which means it does not tell you whether he was in a stance or moving his hands together up above his head. It does not tell you why one officer shot him as another tased him. It does not show if any efforts were made to deesculate the situation or why a police officer

Looks much better than an i3.

Trans people deserve a much better mainstream spokesperson.

Caitlyn Jenner can go fuck herself.

Everyone is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO upset about the divorce of the century.


I kind of read the exact opposite from this statement. It feels like Alexis’s brother was being very careful in his use of language and was very respectful of Alexis’s preferences/wishes.

But they said, Our brother and then our sister and then our brother... so seems like they were recognizing what alexis wanted.

So apparently Claire Danes’ gown...

Real teeth are some of the most underrated things in Hollywood. I love watching a movie from pre-1995ish, and realizing that actors used to be able to lead a movie with a wonky, off-white smile.

Sounds like they should have applied the “not a crime scene” filter before booking.

As an Australian, I’d like to be the first to point out that Kylie MEANS MINOGUE, OBVIOUSLY.

Self-Proclaimed Democrats / Progressives, get your shit together now. Like, NOW.

I fucking hate Romeo and Juliet. Also, wanted to add to sequel possibilities “Romeo and Juliet: Zombie Love.”

Definitely aliens.