
We can’t hate on Vice too much; not while Jez alum Tracie is running things over at Broadly. (RIP Pot Psychology)

Xanax margaritas with an Ativan rim!

How about feeling proud that you voted *against* the orange oozing canker sore?


“Um?” I’m really looking forward to reading the end of this story...

OMG, Zachary Quinto has the TINIEST feet! They look like little white deer hooves!

“Secondary reality television personality” hahaha! Jenner has no idea the wave of gay shade that will rain upon her if she somehow wins this legal battle. #TeamMinogue all the way!

I think Kanye may have modeled for this diagram:

Is it just me, or is Karen from #RHOP a direct descendant of Divine??

Judge Standish has quickly entered “hero” status in my book.

Jennifer Cramblett has proven herself to be nothing more than a disgusting pig who also happens to be a lesbian.

This looks like the beginning to a seriously hot porn scene.

FINALLY, someone who isn't mocking the Bay Area or bashing this ad to hell!! If I was looking for a new place and had come across this ad, I would have responded to it immediately in hopes that I could move in as soon as humanly possible. What's the deal with all you Jezebel commenters being so negative?? Thanks,