Awesome, thanks for the info.
Awesome, thanks for the info.
Does this say Ganymede? Just curious because it looks like an OSX version of the windows tool WinDirStat, which is a very handy tool when trying to find what is eating your drive space.
Thought it sounded cool is about it. I have been meaning to see if I have a free gamertag change available to me, as I would like to modify that to match the handle I generally use elsewhere, but if not oh well, it matches up with psn right now so it makes it easy for friends with both systems. Haven't looked into…
I had one of these. I picked it up about a year before HDDVD died off for like $40 on ebay with a couple movies, xbox remote, and it was painted black by the previous owner (very well done work I might add) to match the flat black 360.
Well, those people lucked out. Getting the $100 credit is nice since they were kind of screwed over. But really, Target should have figured this out and just promised standard PS4s to these customers in the first place. A for effort (albeit belated) F for execution.
I reiterate, why the hell did anyone order a bundle in the first place (unless it was the only way left to pre-order)? it is no cheaper than the system and game purchased separately, and then you have no risk of exactly what happened.
He sucks because he evolves into an awesome pokemon. You have to suffer through a crappy pokemon to get a good one in the end.
So what you are saying is. I can get rich by buying up gamestop's stock of old xbox, ps2 and early 360 and ps4 games for super cheap, and sell them on ebay to people in Brazil who will gladly pay $30 for something I picked up for $2 because it would otherwise cost them $60 like the game came out last week?
Who says you have to buy a bundle? And, quitting an entire series because of a single bad title is a bit extreme. Waiting until reviews are out and/or you can pick up a used copy cheap I understand. But so far all word on IV has been pretty positive.
That would suck if another major launch game was delayed
Surprised that Zelda wasn't mentioned on this list
Here is a thought. Maybe they should take the time to develop a game fully in a natural and not insane 18 hour a day pace. And announce the game only once you actually have problems worked out. This will result in less delays that piss off customers *COUGH* WatchDogs*COUGH* and will allow your developers to not form…
As long as the animals are properly taken care of, and don't suffer in any way from the some times excessive light and noise you can get in a restaurant/bar/club. I don't personally have a problem with it, penguins are awesome.
My 3DSXL is most definitely not comfortable to hold, I feel like I am twisting my wrist into a weird unnatural position so my fingers line up with the buttons. Luckily I purchased a Circle Pad Pro (from japan) and it completely resolves the issue making the system comfy, even more insanely huge, but ill take the…
I would assume they would just get plain console. Or would hope since Sony had planned for that many units already anyway. This kind of thing is why I only pre-order a bundle if there is a very good reason for it. I doubt they were getting any kind of discount on the game+system so why not just order each on its own,…
Well this just made the PS4 launch a lot less exciting for me...
I will say this. Forward Unto Dawn was fantastic. If other Halo films/mini series were created that matched or exceeded the quality of that I would happily pay for it.
Still wish a major developer would force their hand and make them allow cross play between PS4 and XB1
I don't get it, from everything I have heard, the books are terribly written, yet they some how got popular. And now they really need movie adaptations? I highly doubt enough people will even care in 3 years when this movie comes out to even pay back what the studio spends making it.
Enjoying X, but I still really want a full blown console pokemon RPG. NINTENDO, YOU WILL SELL A TON A WIIUs IF YOU DO THIS!!!