Justin Rasmussen

Does it really matter if he intentionally killed himself or not? The fact is, the guy was a monster. He is dead. And he is not costing taxpayer money to incarcerate him for the rest of his life. Sounds like the world is a better place to me.

I feel like microsoft should make some sort of confirmation before it just shuts down the system.

Dogs win, no competition what so ever from the baby

Nov 15th, hurry up already!!


It got better again once they got off the road and got to D.C. I am definitely behind by a number of issues though. Just haven't gotten around to picking and reading the last 6-10

So many people in Minnesota hate her. I swear to you all, we are not all batshit insane like she is.

Does he actually have to sit there and play the game. Or is it computers battling each other at this point?

Personally, I'm not opposed to digital, however my biggest problem with it is that if I can buy a game for $60 in a store, or buy a game for $60 and digitally download it. I would rather have the physical real world copy that can be exchanged for money at some point in the future if need be. If a new console was

We would only care that it is being cancelled because it is about damn time.

I actually wish that games like this weren't released on a yearly cycle. It would give more time to polish the games, as well as create more excitement for fans when a new game is released. Not that it applies to as many people, but I would also appreciate it because I don't get nearly enough time to play games

I used to be an AMD and ATI guy, Then ATI fell behind, and then AMD bought them and the entire company fell behind. I had hope for the ATI/AMD all under one roof situation, but sadly it hasn't seemed to work out as well as hoped, so Intel and Nvidia it is. I will say. When I get around to building the VM server I

I personally really liked xbox infinity, but I realize naming the successor to that system in 7-10 years would be difficult

He shouldve mentioned dropping her from the will and substituting the grandson in her place, would have been a good finisher.

I want a corgi so bad. Sadly my wife says no to another dog, which is legit, since I totally wouldn't want a new dog to learn the bad habits of our current dogs, but still, so cute.

Floss is free when you visit the dentist, wtf people.

I get why they do it, but it is too bad that you dont get an option to steal all of a millionaires money. They could have at least given some option to steal a bunch of the money and then force you to give it to poor people and make their lives better or something. Anyway, I am still really looking forward to this

Still bums me out that this was obviously going to be based in the halo universe before the split with Microsoft.

Still bums me out that this was obviously going to be based in the halo universe before the split with Microsoft.

As much as Nintendo has denied that the name WiiU confused consumers. I think the fact that they are going to discontinue the Wii (while it was obviously going to happen at some point) is probably partially to bring more consumer focus to the WiiU and help people realize that it is a whole new system. I still have my