Justin Pitten

Why so?

It's our worship of athletics and athletes, esp at the high school level. Being on a sports team (esp football or basketball or cheer leading if you are a girl) is a ticket to the popular cliches.

''Excuse me. Are you the Black Student Union?''
''Fuck off! 'Black Student Union'. We're the Union of Black Students! ' Black Student Union'. Wankers.''

Those shakes—so professional looking. It's like they have a Sonic's somewhere in their mansion.

Is the narrator Gus F?

Tanis, anyone?

Annie Edison's ''Handsome Hobo'' is just begging to be used.

The Blossom parents hate Cheryl so much that they killed Jason just so that they can say ''The wrong kid died''. She's the Jerry of the family.

Hulu is cornering the market on difficult to watch TV shows. This and Harlots. Yikes.

Who knew that such a rococo world would be so difficult to watch?

Happens in every first round in March

The situation’s a lot more nuanced than that!

Mortal Kombat II.

At this point, who is leading the race to be most likable?

Still no Liv dye and tan :(

Season three of You're The Worst please!

Clara will always be #1 for me but I like the new girl. Hopefully she stays uncomplicated and badass.

I like the idea of ''Dark'' Betty being the killer—she had a manic episode after finding out about Jason and Polly and snapped. Season two could be about Veronica and the gang keeping it a secret from Peppy Betty and Cheryl, as well as the rest of the town and police (because only the core group of Veronica, Jughead,

This all gets wrapped up in episode 12 when Archie sheepishly revels to jughead he is the killer—he was down by the river and saw Jason and thought Jason was his own reflection come to life.

I guess her rapey clients are the royals.