Justin Pitten

Call me crazy but season 1 of scream queens was campy over the top fun.

My wife and I must be the only fans of the show out there that like Digger Styles.

I like what if Gore had won in 2000.

I want to see an alt history in which the Haitian Revolution (slave revolution) spreads from Haiti to the American slave holding south, and the slaves revolt and establish a free Black republic in the American south.

Do tell. Was it because of the Big C? I've always enjoyed her, but that was not something I could get through.

I actually prefer Yale Rory—esp later seasons jet set Rory.

I thought season 5 was stronger than season 4. It felt like not much happened in season 4 until the end. I am a GG sucker though, so I thought it was fantastic up until the start of season 7. Then in the last CW year, it went off the tracks mid season. Great CW finale though.

Opening the door for Emilia Clarke or Romamund Pike Jane Bond.

I've noticed oftentimes when a minority or women is cast in a role or franchise that is popular and traditionally male dominated, it's always ''Don't push your agenda'' or ''I wish they wouldn't make it so political''.

Doctor Who has finally caught up to Inspector Spacetime in having a female Doctor/Inspector.

This Squirrel Girl is hot!

Ruth had a take charge Annie Edison vibe the last episode or so.

Season two should be the Coco show. All Coco, all the time.

Season 4 of Masters of Sex too.

Piz got a raw deal.

Of all the ladies, Liberty Belle Debbie is my least favorite. She seems like the worst, most stuck up, so far.

Titus is a sexy fashion cactus

I'm glad to see Brie can be more than second fiddle in something. She's got the ability if she is given something good to be in .

Did Liv sleep with any of the hotel guys?

Being a total guy, but that was an excellent bi curious kinky moment between Liv and Peyton there.