Justin Pitten

Yeah if they sidelined her and Nick more often it would be much better. I was hoping Nick and Regan would have run off with each other, Jess would have stayed in Portland, and the show became about CeCe/Winston, Aly/Winston in the loft.

Happy to have Izombie back. For me it's a fantastic show. Fun, just over the top enough—maybe a little obvious in whom is guilty in the mystery of the week, but I don't think they've had a bad episode yet in two seasons. I hope it gets one more season after this one.

In sacrifice to some ginger god

I hope the real estate battles and storyline goes full on The OC , Caleb Nichols, Wetlands, Byzantine goodness.

Nice to see a live action version of The Rivals

It's episodes like this one that make me want another season (even if it is short, and even if AV Club doesn't write reviews anymore for it).

One more year for New Girl! Give it 15 more episodes and then let it be done.

Well the season one big bad is Manos the hands of fate

Oh sweet, a gown! So twirly!

Nick and Jess—they have chemistry of course, but that's a formula for divorce.

I thought Jess's dad was married to Sweet Dee.

Jughead better call Saul

I have a big nose and been with nice looking women. I think less than attractive guys can make up for it by having good personalities. And they punch their weight normally. Gillian JAcobs is very pretty but her character has major flaws so she's probably sees in Gus a decent looking guy with some confidence whom is

Yeah I would 100 % agree. The Paula and Gurl squad stuff got a little rushed. An extra episode or two would have helped fill in the story line.

True. 13 might be a touch too short. I think 15 is perfect for many shows.

Yes—give it a 13-15 episode final season. More shows should have 13-15 episode seasons. It made Good Place, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, that much tighter.

Mickey—she's a GD B

He was a great editor at the Yale Daily News

Jenny Top/Kevin Bottom

Hopefully she pops up again in Veronica and Betty's Mysteries.