J. Lloyd

Love my PS4, don’t play COD. It just doesn’t look good when this Sony guys brags about all these brokered “exclusives”. Why not just let all gamers play? Instead they're making business deals to divide us. Batman, Assassin’s Creed and Destiny exclusives also did not spark good feelings, even tho I would stand to

There is also a bug where people can get stuck playing this game for 8 years.

too bad there aren't other games to play.

When you're in Russia, they refer to the areas as being on the edge of the city. It's seems pretty clear that the tower is in fact in Russia. I'm buying a plane ticket now, and will let you know after I've searched the country.

Tie Fighter was the first PC game I ever owned.

Well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

Warlock punches, amirite? Nothing more satisfying.

Time Trax! lol

New list please! What are the 5 Best Commerce Team posts for the Money? That is to say, which 5 posts has earned Kotaku more money through referrals to Amazon (or other vendors).

New list please! What are the 5 Best Commerce Team posts for the Money? That is to say, which 5 posts has earned

This game is going to be so awesome, I have no reservations!

Thank you sincerely for your nominations, readers. And once the votes are in, you can rely on the Commerce Team at Kotaku to provide the link and make a buck on your anticipated purchase. Everybody wins!

Thank you sincerely for your nominations, readers. And once the votes are in, you can rely on the Commerce Team at

There's really no trick to it. The Vita can't stream video from their sites, but if you touch the screen where the video would be, and small options window opens that allows you to download it.

I love my Vita. If I had to choose one system to play for the rest of my life on a deserted island, I would choose my Vita. I have just about every Final Fantasy game downloaded on the thing, plus so many other PSP and Vita titles. Its a great platform for JRPGS (Persona 4), beat em ups (Dragon's Crown and Muramasa),

My roommate works at the Nintendo World Store at 30 Rock. He says the store manager told him the Majora's Mask remake for 3DS is already completed, Nintendo is just waiting for the right time for a release. Ostensibly, they don't want to over-saturate the market with Zelda games.

I'm really enjoying this expansion so far, although its a little slow to play, ostensibly due to the high amount of players tasking the Hearthstone servers. At the end of every turn, there is a latency of about 6 seconds during which I'm just waiting for the game to acknowledge that I've passed my turn.

I applaud developers for taking any necessary additional time to make sure the game they release is polished. Rushing unfinished games is the worst!

So... no update to the list today? Just looking for some referral cash?

So much content! Nice article :)

Great deal on Soda Stream, but my girlfriend won't let me buy it because its made in a factory that is illegal under international law. I say, let the blood bubbles free! But she is stubborn, and keeps ranting about a two-state solution. I think diplomacy should only be used as a stall tactic to keep the status-quo,