Justin Leeper

The big issue, to me, is that iTunes only has season 1, then the above-20s. That's it. So if you want to see the best of the series, your only legitimate option is one of a handful of random compilations also for sale.
I hope this gets remedied soon.

No mention of Rising Sun, where Snipes is the junior officer to Sean Connery as they figure out a murder in a Japanese business tower, I get - despite a cool fight scene or two. But Demolition Man was such a fun 90s action flick, and Snipes's Simon Phoenix is a classic anti-hero before they became a thing!

You can only do that many steroids for so long. Give Hugh a break, y'all!

Would have liked Resident Evil (Gun) Survivor - a PSone light gun game sans light gun - take the Weirdest distinction.

3 things:
- Sonic CD is by far my favorite Sonic game, and a top-5 Sega CD title. The ports - iOS, console - were great, too.
- I reviewed Sonic 2006 for Games Radar. What a slog. I remember how Crystal was a time-traveling hedgehog with telekinetic powers, and his first mission after arriving in present-day was to

"Okay guys, band meeting. Remember that time Mom accidentally walked into a hornets' nest, and they attacked her as she ran around the yard screaming for help? Let's make THAT our new sound - only slowed down to half-speed!"

Regarding the sub-castle whistle in Mario 3, mentioned above by Derrick Sanskrit: When I first played Mario 3, I got to that castle and was utterly stuck. It led to a dead-end - something unheard-of in the 8-bit, go-right platformer world. It took quite a while for me to think to try flying up to and around the

A couple of those jokes could have been replaced by the interesting factoid that, long before his Subway fame, Jared had a "porn Netflix" type business on his college campus.

I came to read about Nora Dunn on Andrew Dice Clay. Instead I got Nora Dunn talking vaguely about some spat with Jon Lovitz. Way to bait me, AV Club…?

You know he claims to have invented them, yeah?

You know he claims to have invented them, yeah?

I loved 'em, too. Listened to their 8-tracks all the time — more from being poor than old. And that was even before I realized I shared tongue size and love of women with Gene.
Haven't given 2 fucks after 1982 or so. But yeah, having "fake" Ace and "fake" Peter is pretty pathetic.

I loved 'em, too. Listened to their 8-tracks all the time — more from being poor than old. And that was even before I realized I shared tongue size and love of women with Gene.
Haven't given 2 fucks after 1982 or so. But yeah, having "fake" Ace and "fake" Peter is pretty pathetic.

Got to see Louis work on new material at the Largo here in LA. Found out about it Friday, show was Sunday. $25 a ticket. His opener? Fucking Patton Oswalt.
I love LA sometimes…

Got to see Louis work on new material at the Largo here in LA. Found out about it Friday, show was Sunday. $25 a ticket. His opener? Fucking Patton Oswalt.
I love LA sometimes…