Justin is driven

And this, children, is where a loud exhaust and possibly even an anti-lag system would come in real handy.

I'm sorry, but seriously? Nearly 700 words about the history of this latest Camaro before we even get down to the review? A bit wordy.

Series 1 lotus 7. wheels. engine. lightness.

Well, the bottom fell out of the private jet industry a few years back. It's likely that they had a few of those planes back then, then upgraded to newer/ more appropriate/ more efficient/ whatever planes, ad haven't been able to sell the ones they don't use anymore. It's cheaper to hangar all of the planes you don't

NP. Because rallycar.

The best part about these DLC's is that you can buy the cars individually, you don't have to get the whole pack. The escort and the quadrofiogliolioliolio will be mine.

I... cant stop reading it in Toki's voice.

THIS. Of all the other coulda shoulda woulda submissions below, TVR is the most Jalop.

NP. What the hell else gets you into something that looks like that and sounds like that for that price? Pantera FTW.

State law in North Carolina requires cowl hoods on any and all camaros. On third or fourth gen cars, the hoods must be rusty/ a different color than the rest of the car.

Alyssa Jones was on the flight?

I think this is from his old "motorworld" show.

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"I repeat: George Foreman's grille is still intact."

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A bunch of kids in 1969-70 owned and drove some of the most valuable Ferraris ever made. GTo's and california spiders, specifically. About 2:15 they paint a california spider in army colors and take it t willow springs.

Jalopnik says hi.

This DID happen in the US. 1992 in LA in response to Rodney King, The MLK riots, and lots more. It wasn't significantly worse than whats going on in London now, even with more "lax" gun laws.

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Katsuhiro Ueo going crazy. The amount of car control he has flat out, completely sideways, and inches from the wall is incredible. And the way he manhandles that corolla to make the most of <200hp... just crazy.

With a baguette and plenty of stinky cheese?

With a baguette and plenty of stinky cheese?

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That's a Gymkhana. Here's a video of a similar (the same?) course being done correctly.