Justin Hofstetter

Didn't Edward Norton also have a really awesome cameo as himself? Or am I misremembering this?

Can we do a second, spoiler-friendly conversation thread?

In my house, Black Friday has been renamed Nakatomi Friday. For five years now, my friends and I have gotten together for a huge meal of chili, McNuggets, and Twinkies, and we settle in to watch Die Hard somewhat MST3K-style (although with due reverence, of course).

You guys covered it in the bottle episode Inventory, but HOT DAMN, the interrogation episode of Homicide is one of the finest hours of television I've ever watched.

Pete Holmes's bit on Nice Try, The Devil about video game characters finding apples and fully-cooked turkeys as sustenance is pretty great.

Your vocabulary is bad. And you should feel bad.

So, yes. Yes we are.

troll 1 (trl)
v. trolled, troll·ing, trolls
a. To fish for by trailing a baited line from behind a slowly moving boat.
b. To fish in by trailing a baited line: troll the lake for bass.
c. To trail (a baited line) in fishing.

Unless it's tequila. Tequila makes her tell secrets. And cry over obvious metaphors.

No mention of Doug Benson trolling for a spot in the quotes at the beginning of the article?

I've always presumed the $100 is a tip for Linus and that she's got a tab running…did I miss a line of dialogue contradicting that?

Also, Joan of Arc. That track KILLS.