Justin Finkbeiner

My bicycle game is easily Super Mario 64. I had 4 120 star playthroughs on my old copy, helped by the fact that the N64 library was embarrassingly small so it was about all I had to play for the longest time. Later, one of the guys I was deployed with in Iraq was playing the DS port of it and was having a hard time

You should look up what DC is doing with their Justice League Beyond comic then. Right now the Justice Lords Beyond storyline has just started and JLords have arrived while Terry McGuinness is sneaking over to the Lords universe.

My brother-in-law: "He's going to become a villain, isn't he?"

What dogs? Sochi has been rounding them up and killing them.

Lots of lesbian incest art from this… so I've heard anyway…

Love is an Open Door was the villain song. I would have loved a version of Elsa singing "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" at that one point though.

"If this season was a road trip, and I was in the passenger seat, I
wouldn’t dare ask “Are we there yet,” because I’d be afraid to find out
the driver was as clueless as I am."

I Hope somebody got fired for that blunder

As someone who lives in the GR area, I always felt F&G took place more in the area between Lansing and Detroit.  Around Ann Arbor, if I had to pin it down.  Which makes the *MILD SPOILERS* U of M summer camp seem more plausible.

Press Your Luck Into Darkness?