
Yeah there have been some valid points brought up here, if you’re into the ground experience, but all your friends want to fly, that could be annoying as it essentially prevents you from playing with them. That said, I still think that being selective about who you play with and practicing a little self control have

Yes, but after I do all that I want to fly. I didn’t spend countless hours farming mounts to never be able to use them again. People spend weeks and weeks farming some of those and Blizz is still selling them in store for fuck sake. The damn mount for the collectors was a flying mount. The 2 Draenor themed mounts in

I’ll probably be lambasted for my opinion, but allowing flying doesn’t prevent you from taking a flight path, or from using your ground mount. It doesn’t prevent you from exploring all you want. And while it may hinder world PvP on PvP servers, it doesn’t on PvE servers, where a large portion of the population plays.

nothing is FORCING people to fly. You dont get to take stuff away from others just because YOU dont like it. Stop mucking with other people's gameplay if they arent hurting anyone. Ffs its a game, people. We get this bad enough in real life. Let people fly if they want. Who cares.

On launch I was a night elf, so we were all very far away from the rest of the Alliance. At one point people in the local chat were all very excited as someone had seen a naked gnome running about our starting zones. Lots of us would chase that gnome, it was the first character not of our species we saw.

I remember playing a game of Arathi Basin back during the Vanilla WoW days. I was in an organized PVP group and we were trying to help a guy wrestle Grand Marshal away from some old retired guy who had a death-grip on it on our server. We kept getting put up against other organized groups that were all better-geared