
Ironically, the major pizza place in Columbia is a place called Shakespeare's pizza. I was hyped on this for years - it is an absolutely awful pie - a generic semi-thick crust covered in grease and an extremely bland sauce.

I imagine "I Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" is enough negative points to ensure Schneider will never have positive value again.

All I know is, why the fuck did Netflix pay money for a reality show about Rob Schneider? The TRUE STORY of a man living of royalty checks and cameos for his more talented friends….

It wouldn't be to overturn the law so much as to maybe require intent or a pattern.

Except that Alamo clearly lacks a pattern or intent of discrimination.

There's going to be an interesting legal argument about intent here.

Villechaize This Light.

There's something oddly lacking in awareness in accusing a nu-metal band of selling out two decades late.

At The Drive In - Televators