Justin Cozens

For sure, I was being a little facetious. I'm from Canada, where we don't really have these issues. Though I would say affordable private health care should be thought of as, at the very least, a centrist idea, but the Overton Window in the States has shifted so much…I just didn't like the spot is all. And in Canada,

Hey maybe next they can get Anna Faris to reprise her role from The House Bunny for the next Healthcare.gov PSA. Or how about Jason Sudekis' unforgettable turn as the band manager from The Rocker? Let's plunder 2008 comedies until there's literally nothing left but a gaping hole. Was Auckerman forced to sign some kind

Brule standing in the back in his cheap fake bomber jacket, picking his nose while Linda monopolized the interview had me on the floor.

He was prominently featured in the first Awesome Show episode! It was a bad time for apples!

It's Ron Don Volante. And he's also the lead singer of Bottoms Up. Also, had the verbosity of this piece been edited out Jan and Wayne Skylar would've gotten a proper explanation.