Justin Couron

This is why Star Trek as a movie franchise is more often than not, not very good its been bad far more than its been good, and apparrently the only way to make it good is to strip as much Trekkiness from it as possible and just make it into a Star Wars also ran. Which would be fine if there was an alternative with a

I'd call The Lobster funny but not fun. Hunt for the Wilderpeople was definitely a fun movie that was also visionary it still was a bit forgettable and trifling. I'm talking about movies that their single defining characteristic or positive mention is "fun".

Thats a funny statement without his vision there is no Star Trek. Sure some of his later rules like the one you mention here which was for TNG is a bit silly, but his vision of the future, what Starfleets goals are and optimism is what made Star Trek great.

You know I might agree with you if self-awareness wasn't a plague across the motion picture landscape, but to me it just smacks of more of the same, lazy writing, shitty fan service, etc, etc.

Nope, I'm just saying fun for me is shorthand for bland, unoffensive, middle of the road, LCD. Which is fine many a film do that the problem comes when they lack any real unique vision, style, or any originality of their own. Star Trek Abbrams verse is prime example of that. Squeeze out as much of the uniqueness of

I did and it definitely is pretty good, I still have B5 in my heart though.

Didn't care for DS9 at the time I was way more into Babylon 5 which had terrible acting but the Narn/Centauri conflict felt much better realized, and the Earth Civil war stuff still stands up IMO.

I'd say the closest analogue in that set of movies you listed is X-men Apocalypse. Here is another list.

Funny that's my problem with the reboot movies. They far more readily appeal to Heteronormative basement dwellers who hate SJWs. They are big explodey messes with clever quips and terrible fanservice that mostly appeal to those types.

I tried with Nemesis its far far far worse, but does feature and adorable Tom Hardy.

Its only more "Trek-y" in that the characters bounce off each other a little more than in the previous installment and feel a little more like the TOS counterparts. I have yet to read anything that indicates this is anything other than just a Star Wars Clone in Star Trek clothes. Which is fine, now that there is a TV

"Self-aware" has become the new easy out for ultra lazy writing. Now it actually makes me more angry than just plain old cliched lazy writing. Mostly, this is because the writers are now pointing out that they know its lazy but then are doing it anyway.

Wrong. Nemesis is the worst movie followed by V: Final Frontier, Insurrection and Generations are tied.

I don't know The Expanse is playing around with a lot of cool ideas, and Battlestar really touched on social issues. Heck Battlestar Galactic is such an engaging portrait of America's mindset post 9/11 and during the "war on terrorism"

I disagree there is a lot of thoughtfulness in Undiscovered Country, The Motion Picture, and even the actiony Khan. Heck the main plot of Khan is how easily noble intents can be turned into horrible nightmares.

I actually like the first movie, and it was nice to get a mix. Thats why I liked the show, because it could do both and then would do really kooky weird stuff.

Didn't like it from about 50 minutes in. I was excited to see what they did with this rebooted universe and see where they could take it. My smile slowly faded and I realized the only Star Trek I would get is stuff that is on DVD or NetFlix and that this was just another husk of a reboot that fools everyone with slick

Thank you. I'm so sick of seeing "fun" as an excuse to make yet another bland, heartless, mind-numbing excuse of a blockbuster. Fuck try and say a little something with your story and pretend that you aren't just a carnival ride.

Personally I'm sick of "Fun" as a reason to go see a movie."Fun" isn't that hard, rollercoasters are fun, skipping in the park is fun. It really isn't all that hard to make a fun movie when given a huge plot and a stellar cast. I imagine with any marginally competent director and this group of people and any actiony

I like Insurrection its not great and has its flaws but if feels like a 2 hour episode. It has all the "ideas" that a trek story should have. Nemesis and STiD though holy jeebus.