Not too sure if fellow jalopniks realize that gawker media itself is ground zero for cancel culture.
Not too sure if fellow jalopniks realize that gawker media itself is ground zero for cancel culture.
I already read this story a month ago...
Those cars the rich people buy subsidize the car that you only want to pay 35k$ for. Tesla WANTS you to have a 35k$ car and they are doing everything they can to make it happen. Complaining and cancelling your reservation helps literally no one.
An argument can also be a civil discussion, like a debate. Even more so, an ‘argument’ is a counterpoint.
I would LOVE to know where you got the idea that russia is your biggest enemy?
Actually!? are you ACTUALLY sympathizing for someone committing war crimes?
Thank you for this. I don’t personally like Trump but I do like facts and numbers.
What a crock of shit. Oh look I’m big oil company and i made a video about a car to prove how much i care about the environment. This video is as bad as vapoware kickstarter videos. Anyone can design a vehicle that gets that mileage that looks like that.
Panasonic Inverter microwaves vary the power intensity. You can also punch in multiple heating stages in sequence. For instance: 30 seconds at level 4 followed by 20 seconds at power 8 and etc etc.
Definitely not an art piece. This is done simply using a ASCII video output plugin in VLC or Mplayer (in linux).