
I think Sony is clearly going for first-mover advantages over Apple. They’ll definitely be able to get better supplier buy-in for manufacturing (which they probably already have if they’ve come this far). 

Doesn’t Vin Diesel show up in a post-credits scene?

Also he dresses in drag the whole time. 

Honestly, the most frustrating thing was watching that guy repeat himself over and over again and make a 1 minute video last 8 minutes.

It looks like a stormtrooper helmet. It looks like “Guernica: the Car.”

It’s that one convex crease on under the rear windshield. It’s the same on both X3 and the Santa Fe. I noticed it one day on the road - it’s a really unique line.

It’s not quite apples to apples. The big problem in 2007 was that the rating agencies were fraudulently rating mortgage-back securities that were substantially comprised of sub-prime mortgages as A-rated or equivalent. This led institutional investors to buy tons of it because they were seen as safe investments.

Balance sheet assets don’t necessarily have to be physical things. It’s just a holding company created to buy equity in Polestar and then immediately sell it. It’s not a lot different from what the big banks do when they list an IPO for a public company; however, there is much less oversight and there isn’t a ton of

Okay, pal. You can’t look at that car and not immediately think of an A7. The first two are blatant G37 rip-offs. The back of the Santa Fe clearly rips off the X3. The Kia Telluride is definitely trying to be a Range Rover.

I love the Korean cars, but I wish they would start designing more original stuff and stop just aping other designs. That new one is an Audi A7 

Venture capital money until they fail or kill the traditional used car market.

It seems like people don’t get the question - is this a good price for this example of this car? I think it unquestionably is. Like it doesn’t matter what your personal preferences are. I personally don’t particularly like this car, but can you get one as well sorted for less money? No, you can’t, really. So it’s

Yeah - I agree. Ideally there’d be an annual resident permit fee 

They need to eliminate free parking for non-residents too. So many people drive in, park in like the UES or UWS and then subway to work. It’s disgusting

Lower income people get subsidized mass transit.

Yeah but they have really high gas and consumption taxes that are used for the same purpose. Car registration is also way more expensive.

Yeah, this guy is an astroturfer. You can tell because they’re all using the buzz phrase “money grab.”

Lying astroturfer! Don’t engage with this disingenuous shill

Look at this astroturfing fuckface

I had an ‘09 328 xi coupe with a manual that just caught fire one night. After fighting with BMW they finally took care of me, but they waited like 10 years to issue a massive recall. In mine, a circuit breaker in the glove box arced and caused the fire. I still miss that car.