
Yeah didn’t even think about the weight. I was just roughing out 4 feet long by 2 feet deep by 5.5 feet wide = 44 cubic feet, and was figuring .75 cubic foot bags, but yeah there are lots of variables.

Oh yeah, I wasn’t even thinking about the weight - just the volume!

Probably like 50

Looks like you can get about 2 cubic yards in there... 

This is definitely true. Something to note as well: 1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet. A lot of people don’t realize this.

Yeah I agree. I still can’t believe I just bought a $50k Chevy. I was never a Chevy guy either. My dad had a Mustang, so I always liked Fords. I was leaning hard into the Korean 3-rows, but they’re impossible to find without a crazy markup. 

I actually managed to find an LT leather with the premier package and the safety assist package for $500 less than sticker. The one we initially agreed to buy didn’t have the safety assist package, and I was kind of under the gun after having my car totaled this weekend. Another dealer had the one I wanted so we

My wife and I test drove a CX-9 today, and it amazingly drove like a BMW 3-series. However, front seat leg room is seriously cramped. I’m 5'11" and my wife is 5'10" and our knees were banging against the center console and the door. Kind of a bummer because I love the way it drove.

They have dealers’ open lot coverage for that. The garagekeeper’s policy is just a liability policy. You can’t be held liable for force majeure (acts of god) unless you were somehow negligent. 

Yeah the dealership is being idiotic. They need to file a claim on their BOP or garagekeeper’s or whatever they have and let the insurance companies figure it out. Allstate is playing hardball here because they know that the dealer doesn’t want to do that for some reason. 

You’d be surprised.

I’ve got an ‘05 Limited and for what it is it’s a good car. Suprisingly fun to drive and the 4-wheel drive crawl mode is amazing. Seats are very comfortable although the lack of a dead-pedal is a bummer.

Nah, it was terrible. The ending where they’re supposed to be in Times Square but it’s clearly a reshoot on the studio lot was the most offensive part. The only person who acquitted themselves well in it was Chris Hemsworth. Everyone else was just cringe.

Oh come on, the Ghostbusters reboot is terrible. I wanted to like it, but it was just cynical studio dreck. If anything, the backlash to it has made people reflexively give it a pass for being a piece of shit. 

I really like it on the Prius. It’s very art deco. I wish it carried over into the rest of the car - a retro art deco hybrid/electric car sounds pretty cool to me.

I think if you are a young family with one kid, this truck is like perfect.

Yeah man, and I divided by four. Go to the food network recipe and see. I don’t really give a shit if you eat some damn farmer brunch every weekend. 

Did something create our consciousness? Where did it come from? Millions of years of evolution, right?

I don’t think you realize how much food that is... I did the math just googling the calories per oz for each ingredient and I got 1,978.75 calories. You halve the meats and double the other stuff, and honestly, it’s probably even more calories, plus if you’re sauteeing vegetables and adding oils and whatever, that’s

Dude, you don’t individually eat 2 eggs, a quarter pound each of bacon, sausage, and hash browns, 2.25 oz of cheese fucking tortellini (!) and 2.5 oz of cheddar for breakfast? Come on!