
Well, it doesn’t look good bleeding into the lights like that, but yeah, it looks better than the tall podracer grills. BMW design has no idea what it’s doing, and I think some coked-up executive is making decisions. German design should be about simplicity. When they try to get wild, millions die. 

I am so there for The Penguin Costanza

Officiating in the NFL is such a joke. Honestly, even though it was slowing down the game, I was happy that they were going to enforce holding calls more strictly, because there’s blatant holding on every play that’s just not called. I’m talking like guys getting tacked and stuff. It seems the decision to make the

Mean Streets is basically Of Mice and Men set in Little Italy.

Oh man, I thought you were kidding. It’s not a hot take. I’m saying the new 2 Grand Coupe looks like a 200C. I don’t really think that’s a good thing. That’s sarcasm for you. 


Well, with a “wet brine” you’re adding water to the meat. You can’t add water to fat, which is not water soluble. So, the additional water in the meat steams the skin as it cooks out, making it less crispy.

Yeah salt leeching moisture into fat is a bunch of nonsense. It’s all about the timing. 

Good to see bmw is bringing back the Chrysler 200C


There’s a guy who occasionally parks on my block with a satin blue wrapped 135 coupe. It’s hideous. 

These taste tests with just your husband and your kids seem... uh... less than definitive.

Breaded wings are not wings!

Taxis are great in Manhattan south of 96th street and nowhere else.

1) We completely disagree

I think we’re too far apart here to really go on with this. We’re just going to waste each other’s time.

I don’t think Snowden was engaging in both-sidesism. I think Snowden is a self-important, fuckchuckle libertarian who submarined 40 years of intelligence collection programs for funsies, and then made up a whole bunch of shit about how much he loved our freedoms. He loved this country and its constitution so much that

Funnily enough, this invasion is really about Turkey trying to drink Syria and Iraq’s milkshakes, in the sense that was meant in There Will Be Blood

I wonder which friends of some Trump barnacle are getting sweet positions on the boards of Turkish oil and gas companies in exchange for this..