
If he just exposed the programs, that argument might be credible, but he didn’t. He gave away the actual tools, which state and non-state actors are currently using.

Specifically to the Snowden leaks, these programs had been in continuous operation and development since at least 9/11. Some of them had been in place since the 70's. And I think if you’re going to try to police global terror and stay ahead of attacks, you do need some kind of robust global surveillance apparatus. The

It plays into the “both sides are the same” trope that causes people to vote for wild cards like Trump, or at least for someone like Jill Stein. It’s plays into the “drain the swamp” narrative. I think Manning is less responsible for this than Snowden. 

My bad.

I don’t think comparing Snowden and Manning to what’s currently happening does our side any favors.

It’s a weird space, too. The street facing part is weirdly hidden and foreboding. I think they need to redo that whole corner.

It definitely does

Every single time I’ve ever eaten one of these as an adult, I’ve been disappointed. The McRib is terrible. 

Every mainstream review for this has been mediocre. 

Don’t forget the iconic villain The Puffin

This is more like “A Guide to Asian Hot Sauces Written by a Beginner”

Nah, it’s Vietnamese. Thai Sriracha is a bit different.

This is a fun read

What? What official recommendation says you should eat 1 serving of meat a week???

That doesn’t mean anything. You’re 22. You wouldn’t see long-term effects on your health, positive or negative, until much later in life. 

I used to go there with my wife to get drinks as a goof if we were going to a play near Times Square. Holy moly that place was garish. Also, if you Ed Hardy-ize American iconography, it looks like uncanny valley Nazi iconography.

Oh no, that place closed at least a year ago

Boss has a time and a place, but it’s a mystery as to when and where. Boss is the ephemeral light in the darkness. Boss. The freshmaker. 

Your Twins also play in the worst division in baseball by a long shot. .459 winning percentage 40 points off the next worst division, the AL East at .499. 

Hey, Tampa’s actually 4-3 against Houston this year, so there’s that. Oakland’s a not-too-shabby 8-11...