
I think the answer is that Nissan is just a shit car company

Quality post

It’s not seagulls fault that humans produce so much waste. They were flying around before we ever made it to Jersey. 

What about mom jeans implies they’re for fat people, though? Isn’t mom jeans just that big style of jeans that moms used to wear back in the 90s? Didn’t SNL do a bit about it? 

How is this fat shaming? 

Jesus what a lame fucking comment. 

I’m betting a lot of older guys are buying these before realizing that they want something way more comfortable

That is so far removed from what this guy was doing. 

I think it’s a pretty awful idea. As you noted, not only does it introduce many, many problems, but first, you have to take your damned car doors off. Then, you have to lug them to wherever you keep car doors. Then, you have to lift a hardtop roof, now with two doors (and their window glass) onto your car. Then, you

That’s not really flavorful smoke though, like you’d get from charcoal and wood. I’d also rather have the burger cooking in its own flavorful fats than the acrid product of those fats smoking

That’s just wrong

Mahogany? That’s like light brown.

I don’t think it’s myelin, pal. That’s nerve cell fat. I think you’re confusing myelin with myosin.

Yeah, and Mickey D’s burgers are the little tiny ones, so it’s not unreasonable, like the one pictured in the article

Man, 11 miles a gallon (when new). That kills it for me.

I didn’t know peanuts were actually pistachios.

They’re typically cheaper, shell-on.

The trick is you put a small handful in your cheek. Using your tongue, you grab one sunflower, maneuver it sideways between your molars, so the pointed end is facing your front teeth, and the seams are up and down. Gently apply pressure to crack it open, remove the seed with your tongue, and eat it. Then, spit out an

If you’re eating the shells, you’re some kind of numbskull. Of course, you did eat a bunch of wood, so yeah.

At a baseball game, it’s totally acceptable.