
One conversation with Sansa and her misgivings at Tormund’s drunken toast to Jon Snow are all we have to go on with that - which is what people really have a problem with. If we got to see a slow, gradual descent into madness, or villainy, or whatever, it would have worked, from a dramatic perspective. What we got was

That the story established she could be prone to violent conquest does not justify the rushed and ludicrous manner in which the show suddenly made her character evil.

The legacy of our use of the atomic bombs has surely been the arms race and now arms proliferation to rogue states. Hardly “winning the peace,” or whatever. We won the peace by undertaking massive reconstruction project, stationing an enormous number of troops in Europe and Asia, and by building international

Again, that isn’t equivocation, which requires a deceptive intent and use of double-meaning words. We can disagree in practical terms without one of us trying to lie. I just think you’re being too harsh and I explained why. I’m not absolving them of blame, I’m just not interested in playing the blame game anymore. It

I’m saying that they’re not so deserving of your vitriol. I think everyone involved would own those mistakes, but there’s probably not much they could have done, anyway.

What’s wrong with you? That’s obviously not what I’m saying. Grow up.

I disagree, for the reasons I’ve already stated, which is mainly that the collapse of Democratic power at the state level was a long process that started before Obama even became a Senator.

Man, your cache clearing advice should be the first thing to try, not one of the last.

Yeah, but you’re blaming Obama like this wasn’t the product of a fuckup by lots and lots of people. I forgot to mention the impact Citizen’s United had, as well.

You’re glossing over important facts, though. The first midterm election for Democrats - 2010 - was basically a Kobayashi Maru scenario for Democrats. You had:

See, I think the Paulaner Lager I consistently get at the supermarket sucks. HB, on the other hand, is great. 

I don’t hate it - it’s just such an obscure topping that it’s not worth picking so early in this meaningless draft where the idea is TO WIN (lol). I’ve never heard of it on pizza - mostly in desserts - but I’m sure it can be a great topping, particularly to offset savory and spicy elements. It’s just a wacky pick, and

Or burrata 

There’s a place by me that does a spinach dip white pizza that is really freaking good. It’s probably 2,000 calories a slice, but man..

Not only that, but in the 3rd round! Nobody is picking mascarpone! You can take it in the fifth round as a flier, if you really just want to watch the world burn

Mascarpone... clownshoes.

I haven’t had Sol in probably 15 years

C’mon - get your Starbucks cadence correct:

Yo, Kenji’s pressure cooker chile verde is the definitive recipe in my mind, and takes only minimally more prep than your weeknight version. You just rough chop tomatillos, green chiles, onions, and garlic. The pressure cooker gets hot enough that over an hour, you’ll get some roasty notes in the chile. No chicken

It’s also a great way to have a can of fire explode in your hands.