
Spraying Pam on a hot grill is a recipe for disaster... You’re better off oiling a folded up paper towel, holding it in your tongs and brushing the part of the grill you are going to use.

Lol - I wasn’t serious!

The eat shit and die thing- shows you know this stuff is trash and you’re ashamed of enjoying it. Otherwise how could my opinions possibly inspire such a sentiment? I don’t want you to eat shit, but if you happen to, I hope you swallow it without incident and manage to live through the ordeal. I don’t care if my

There it is

I mean, Bryce Harper has been a 0.1 WAR player so far this year, so it’s not like they’d be in first place with him on the team..

I did, the first time I used one! It looks like that’s how it show go in there, lol.

What are you saying about sports, though (which I’m not exactly defending here - I’m at best ambivalent about my own appreciation of such a pointless escape)? I don’t think too many wrestling fans aren’t secretly ashamed of themselves, which is why they’re so sensitive when someone points out just how lame their

No ding-dong, they’re not. Look man, if your dogshit entertainment is so cool, it shouldn’t matter what I say about it. 

I dunno man, I think the theory makes Jon Snow’s actions make a lot more sense than him just yelling at a zombie dragon out of frustration. Seems far-fetched that it’s actually what happened though, as they didn’t show it. But it definitely would have upped the dramatic tension if we saw Arya running across the

Yeah, we want hard-R greased up guys in bikini bottoms slam dancing around the squared circle. Fuck this PG-G shit!

That’s just too much money for a car with 300k miles on it, in need of a new driver’s seat.

Yeah, but what’s the ratio? I bet something like 80-90% of wrestling fans are Trump voters.

Combo washer/dryer on towel cycle. So good.

Toilet brush

They both come out of the cloaca...

I actually shower with all of my groceries. So much more efficient. Plus, the conditioner really tenderizes the lobster claws

How many awful things have people done for centuries? That’s not a valid justification. 

Seriously? That’s really dangerous. 

I like Bohemia a lot. Genuine Pilsner taste

Deadspin is supposed to be all about cutting through the bullshit in sports journalism. Professional wrestling is all bullshit. The wrestling storylines aren’t even good stories. It’s reality tv-level manufactured conflict interspersed with sweaty dance-fighting.