Justin Boden

I’m not sure how Jenna missed that. Aside from just the reality of a breech birth in medieval times, it’s especially strange given that Jenna mentions that Viserys seems to genuinely love Aemma, which is clearly true. Every scene with Aemma and Viserys enforces that and Viserys initially cares more about saving Aemma

Slight, but important correction: the maesters don’t give Viserys the choice between his wife or child’s life. The choice they give him is between his child and neither — there’s no option where Aemma lives any more.

The continuity of artistic style in Ancient Egyptian is very striking, but there were still plenty of civil wars, changes of borders and foreign dynasties in their history, as well as social changes that would have looked less subtle from the inside than the outside.

Yet, for the next 3,000 years after they were built, almost nothing changed in Egypt except for the “huge pyramids are too expensive, so let’s not build them anymore” thinking.

“Click on each photo that has an Ewok.” 

I thought they looked like macarons (maybe blue milk flavored?)

The end-credits drawings show The Child stealing what appear to be cookies, which were changed to neon-blue candy for the final episode.

This has to be the weirdest post I’ve seen in a while

Does anything about the Ba’ul make sense?

Haha. No shit. Well put. Poetjunkie IS watching a different show... he’s just watching it alone. Glad he likes it, though.

It sounds like you’re watching The Expanse.