Loved spears, knives and hatchets in New Vegas, they were BRUTAL with the right build. Wish they brought them back in FO4, maybe as grenade alternatives. With a hotkey like in the Metro games.
Orc Flapper Girl? Yes please.
Is there new game+ in dishonored 2? or the ability to replay older levels with the items / magic you’ve earned? Or is it like dishonored 1 where you have to re acquire EVERYTHING when you replay a level / start a new game?
Anyone got eyes on Jack Cooper / Gates left forearm tattoo? Been looking for it everywhere but cant get a clean or laid out pic
I literally said that then scrolled down and saw your comment lol.
As a person that this.... supposed racial slur should offend... I have to say. C’MON.... Really? I mean, C’MON PEOPLE... PHONICS! Just... SERIOUSLY? People are just LOOKING for reasons to bitch
I think you and I are the only people who played Mad Max and loved it. I was waiting for a little bit of DLC or mission replay mode but alas...
Can you do a second play through with all your acquired powers / charms? I remember thats what turned me off of the first game, I beat it and then when I went to replay a level I had to get the charms all over again. Is that still present? It’ll honestly be a rent or a buy for me based on that.
So I enjoyed playing dishonored, but never went back for a second try because you have to get the bone charms all over again in whichever level you replay and you dont get your powers or their levels you earned towards the end of the game. Now am I not pressing a button right or something? Because that kills…
On the topic of Dishonored 1. Am I playing it wrong? I enjoyed the game but when going back through missions, A: having none of my future powers and B: having to re-acquire bone charms in the level always took the fun out of it for me. Now was there a way around this or was that just the way it worked?
So doing the gauntlet at for at least 2 hours the best i got was 37 seconds. Now even watching the video... I gotta say did they change something since alpha? Because I cant get above 42km, He’s 50km right out of the gate and absolutely flies. But even ignoring the clock and just practicing wall runs and jumps I still…
Anyone remember when people didnt cry on the internet about a costumes for their children and instead just made them? Was that a dream? Was it just me? I wanted to be a Power Ranger Ninja from the movie when it came out and my mother went to the sewing section in like... Kmart or Target, bought one of those little…
I’m starring everything you say lol
I married marry borgakh steel heart on my main character. Unmodded on 360 and she was my favorite wife. Our adopted daughters love her very much.
OH. MY. GOD. Nostalgia hit me damn hard... I need to rebuy all those games.
my first reaction: THERE’S A DRAGONS DOGMA ONLINE?!
The Game Cube was the last time I truly loved a Nintendo Console. I remember playing it for hours, leaving my PS2 and Xbox to bask in its glory. If I remember correctly, I was on my like 10th playthrough of RE4, knew that game by heart. When the Wii was announced as a replacement for the GC I honestly said “.....Why?…
It weirded me out when they started saying eggman. He’d been robotnik forever and as a poor child before the internet boom I was like “who the hell is eggman? where is robotnik? why does eggman look like robotnik then? is robotnik dead?” I think it was around Sonic Adventure it happened. The fact they changed his…