
Yes, thanks for the info. Apparently it approaches Neptune orbit at perihelion. Based on the resonance information it seems like the orbit period is about 550 years (plus or minus a few decades).

So it’s inside the solar system...would it hurt to add a sentence saying how far out?

Awesomeness called. They'd like to award you an internet.

Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational TV show.

You could say that using windfarms in this manner was reversing the geo-hacking we've been doing for the last century or two in areas like the Louisiana Barrier Islands. We've changed the flow of the Mississippi river so that most of the river silt is pouring into depths of the Caribbean rather than forming barrier

I, for one, welcome our new chicken overlords...

HAHAHA You dumb bastard... It's not a schooner it's a sailboat!

can i stick my dick in it?