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    "We don't have Sprite here… this is not a movie theater."

    Realistically though how many middling 80s sitcoms are available in regular syndication? Can't remember the last time I saw Mr. Belvedere or ALF on in reruns domestically. I'm sure there are instances where there's a limited run on a fledgling cable network but they are few and far between. From the 80s really only

    I dont think they will, but I do think there is a better chance than normal (so like 1%) because Trump is unpredictable. President Pence is infinitely predictable and electable.

    He turned down $2M an episode for another season of Home Improvement. Crazy.

    Also the kid hit her in the face with a golf club the year prior and loved to smear his feces on her things. Kid had it out for her and probably was upset she got better presents. Just watch him smirk his way through the Dr. Phil interview or the unbelievably awkward unemotional interview he gave shortly after the

    We'll start with the fact the ransom note (the longest most rambling one on record with the FBI - meaning the criminal had to spend 25+ minutes writing) was written on Patsy's pad, with her Sharpie and both were placed neatly back in their respective normal storage places. Also multiple handwriting experts were unable

    You are aware the parents were indicted for child abuse resulting in death and leaving the child in a situation they new could cause her harm? That indictment, read verbatim, makes it pretty clear the grand jury also believed Burke did it. He'd struck her with a golf club the year prior and had a habit of rubbing

    I played high-limit blackjack with him a few years ago. Always disappointed me that he never slapped his cheeks and screamed when he lost a big hand.

    Friday's partner in this series is Bill Gannon, not Frank.

    Laura said she "grew up in Ohio" but was careful about not saying she was born there. I kept waiting for that to become a plot twist.

    You're citing things from Kratz's biased and subjective analysis after the fact. He requested her because she'd been there before and done a good job, just as he'd done 5x before. Multiple witnesses from AutoTrader said she knew exactly where she was going and had no apprehensions about going there. The "creepy"

    What exactly do you think is flawed with the documentary? I've read the trial transcripts and find the whole series to be exceptionally fair to the prosecution.

    We don't really make the kinds of movie like The Birdcage anymore, though. Most movies today are big franchise or broad action films which can be marketed worldwide. Many of the big comedies of the 90s would never get made today (Home Alone, Honey I Shrunk The Kids, The Birdcage, Clueless, etc). The few

    I worked with Michael Pitt. Biggest train wreck of an actor I've ever dealt with on set.

    Why is nobody talking about the wonders of Cuba Gooding Jr.'s courtroom reaction shots? They're my third favorite part of this show.