-Fitz counting the days with monkey drawings: classic.
-Fitz counting the days with monkey drawings: classic.
This man fascinates me. He went from the On Deadly Ground environmental activism (holy shit that ending monologue was glorious in the most awful way) to shilling for 45 and Putin, who are essentially villains from a particularly bad episode of Captain Planet. But there’s no sign of the dissonance embolism such a move…
To the people talking about “European different culture”, BULLSHIT! We’re in 2017, and with the internet, tv, and movies, except for a few Asian and Middle-Easterner countries, all the World is aware of racial issues in the same vein as the US. As a Brazilian leaving my whole life in Brazil, in a different culture,…
No. Made this comment elsewhere, but Europeans never had Amos n’ Andy, never had minstrel shows, don’t know who Al Jolson was.
If you ever really wanna know about France’s history with racism, look up what happened during the Haitian Revolution. Shit gets crazy. I can recommend a great podcast if you’re interested.
That’s Zwart Piet. He’s a Moor, but many people are calling for less.
Yup, Zwarte Piet. There’s *starting* to be significant pushback on it, but that shows you the difference in cultures/history.
Before we leap to condemn him here we have to remember that Griezmann is French and therefore was raised in a different culture. A cowardly, racist culture.
I feel like this is maybe one of those things were Europeans don’t have the self awareness like Americans do that blackface is wildly inappropriate today. I’m not excusing it, but clearly no one was around to tell him why this might not be the greatest idea. Don’t they still have a holiday/celebration in the…
ESB also has Yoda essentially having a slap-fight with R2D2 while stealing Luke’s food.
Another notable parallel I forgot about: the codebreaker guy is essentially this movie’s Lando, except less interesting (Lando has a history with Han and the motives for his betrayal are complex; codebreaker guy is a random nobody and his motives are strictly financial).
Every single ‘Star Wars’ movie has trafficked in goofy, slapstick comedy. As such, I’m relatively astonished by the backlash ‘The Last Jedi’ is receiving for its sense of humor. Fundamentally, these are family features that provide a range of emotional experiences for audience members of all ages. You laugh with these…
There’s a guy on this sub who kept calling me a “brat” for saying that Star Wars doesn’t belong to the superfans.
He’s arguing that because he spent money keeping the franchise alive both during it’s lull from ‘80's - 90's and today that his opinions should matter more than casual fans and that his desires for the…
The reaction from the fanbase to this movie is so incredibly disappointing but ultimately not surprising. The state of today’s geekdom is why. Today’s nerds don’t want any challenge to their preconceptions of things, they only want the comfort of things they already enjoy. This is why something as absolute garbage of…
I quite enjoyed THE LAST JEDI. (I feel obliged to say that up front.)
Apparently the first death star had that one opening that needed a perfect shot to reach the center. With the second one, you had to have some heck of maneuvering to even get the ships to where they needed to be.
JJ Abrams: Meticulously builds a sandcastle replica of the previous trilogy, carefully puts action figures of the old characters in the castle with the new ones.
Rey’s parentage reveal may have been my favourite part of this film (which I loved in general). I’d been dreading that they’d make her a Skywalker, as it would have made it seem like there was only one damn family in the whole galaxy that matters. But they show that she can be a “nobody” and still be this super…
Where next after this? As others have said, the fact we will never see the Leia centered Episode IX is terrible. I think the intention was likely always to skip forward a number of years, perhaps a bigger jump than we had in the original trilogy. I think the best idea would be to open with Leia’s funeral - it would be…