
I know several women who WORSHIP this show, and they can’t really explain why they love it so much. I watch them watch it, and their faces just glow. It’s pretty amazing.

Yeah, I was kind of debating between saying it was the best show or saying she was the best character and obviously opted for the latter. 

Watching season 1 I often found myself thinking Jessica was a great character that deserved a better show. Fingers crossed for season 2.

That’s the thing about this show, for all the flaws it, it did exactly what myth is meant to do - it gave me a new vocabulary in my head for some shit that was already there. Watching it the second time, nothing about Hogarth or Simpson or the slow plot bothered me at all because every scene is about building those

It’s not that odd, really. We still use a manilla folder icon on computers to represent file folders. Most people writing and running TV learn traditional TV narrative.

That seems entirely in-character for the MCU Spider-man.

It’s odd how many streaming programs seem to constrain themselves to the rules of broadcast TV.

Jess and this show have become important to me in ways I didn’t think a show really could be. When it came up I was a little excited, and then I stayed up watching and occasionally crying until 4 in the morning. I acknowledge its flaws (the lesbian triangle is excessively featured, though Carrie-Anne Moss’ character

There have been pics of Tennant on set for season 2, probably in flashbacks or nightmares.

I’d like a Jessica/Punisher crossover. She and Frank Castle would have no time for bullshit.

Well they already kind of dropped the ball when Skye used a variant of the line in the pilot for AOS (where basically the second half was missing) prior to them getting the rights back for Spiderman. At this point I try to retcon this by saying her and Uncle Ben read the same book or fortune cookie thing with the

I was wondering the same. I’m sure it’s just an easter egg so I shouldn’t read too much into it, but it’s weird she would have heard that phrase enough to be preemptively annoyed by it, in a universe where nobody has seen the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies.

Maybe Spider-Man has been swinging around the city randomly yelling, “with great power comes great responsibility!”

I’m not sure that “great power” joke makes sense in a universe where Spider-Man is real, rather than a popular fictional character.

Yeah Bendis was at his best when working with street-level heroes. If DC gave him something like Blue Beetle it’d probably be good. Maybe not as good as the 2005 era Blue Beetle but still ok.

That page is delightful. Bendis at his most Bendis-y...but with characters who the style fits.

Season 1 of Jessica Jones had its problems, and I liked The Punisher more than I expected, but I think Jessica Jones is the best of the Netflix Marvel characters, and I’m pumped for season 2. 

So yes to Robin. Holy fucking shit I’ve never hated a character as much as her.

You can’t really go wrong with a montage of Jessica drinking, being surly, and roughing people up, accompanied by a Heart song. Not sure what this season in all about, but I’m in.

This is an incredibly thorough and well-researched post for something that the vast majority of us will thankfully never have to come close to experiencing.