
The best part of this episode was the banter between Tormund and Sandor Clegane about Brienne.

It doesn’t matter to me, I sensed that the show would eventually hit some sort of “have we exhausted all permutations of our non-dead characters” and rank stupidity would follow. The books similarly lost me when it became Renaissance Festival new character pile-on somewhere around #4; it’s no wonder he’s stalled so

Against all odds and sense, it’s actually a very fun hour or so of silly-ass television. I enjoyed the hell out of it, while also knowing that it was really extremely ridiculous.


Why have you done this to me again Patrick?

HBO Now’s terms of service sound ambiguous about whether downloading a personal copy is against the rules; we’re currently seeking a legal opinion and a comment from HBO.

...wait, did you have your matter reconstituted, Krombopulous Michael? I thought you were lost to us!

You really should consider a negligence suit against that Morty kid; it’s clear he had no business driving that vehicle, whether or not the singing fart cloud put him up to it.

Rick and Morty is one of those rare shows that manages to be brilliant in the same breath that it says something absolutely out of left-field stupid. While some of the episodes haven’t hit with me, mostly, they tend to be enjoyable—and sometimes nihilistically insightful—experiences.

I’ve not had a chance to catch any

Now playing

This really is shaping up to be the best season of this show yet. Their creativity continues to astound me (and I’m not just saying that because Rick is a loyal customer). No doubt the addition of more women and people of color has something to do with their continued ability keep the show fresh and interesting. For

Well, I’m sorry for what happen

I look forward to the tepid non-apology apology from Collins and the conservative media burning her in effigy.

ME: tolerance and peace is the best way to go through life. we shouldn’t infringe on somebody who’s just doing what they want
ALSO ME: we should destroy every teen

Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.

“Honestly, yeah it’s terrible,” Paul said about his neighbors’ complaints. “It’s a bad situation. No, I feel bad for them, for sure. There’s nothing we can do, though. The Jake Paulers [Paul’s fans] are the strongest army out there. Dab.” And then he dabbed.

“former Vine star” explains so, so much about this.

And then he dabbed.

When people ask what happened here, tell them that winter came for House Pornhub, and lots of people didn’t.

Look me straight in the eye and tell me Tyrion is not at least a tiny bit black.